Affiliates Join Application
Please fill out the following fields and submit the application when complete, you will be notified by email if your application is sucessful.
Application Details
First name: Address:
Last name: City:
Company: State:
Email: Country:
Primary Website: Postcode:
Phone Number:
Affiliate Auth Key*:
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Existing Affiliates log in here        Australian affililates, please read this first

If you are already promoting a site that bills for, and you have arranged with a webmaster to promote a new site that GMB also bills for, you need to log in to GMB as an affiliate, then add a new SUB ACCOUNT using the AUTH KEY the new webmaster gave you. runs an affiliate program on behalf of webmasters. This allows affiliates to send traffic to webmasters sites, and if that traffic makes sales, receive remuneration for sending that traffic.

The method an affiliate uses for finding traffic needs to be decided upon by the webmaster and the affiliate. These parties also decide on a rate of remuneration (either a percentage of each sale, or a flat fee).

One affiliate can send traffic to several sites, run by different webmasters. will consilidate all the affiliates earnings for a given period, and pay them out on a date agreed by the affiliate and GMB.

Thus, an affiliate has an Account with GMB as a whole, and each website they promote for is a sub-account under that main account.

Affiliates can log in to GMB, and retreive statistics on sales they have made, conversion ratios, and trackers. They can also create, edit and choose payout methods, and adjust payout frequencies.

*Auth Keys can only be issued by an existing Webmaster affiliated with